Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wheelchair Pride

I've personally never sat in a wheelchair, it looks fun but I assume its less convenient than a pair of legs beside getting to roll down ramps all the time. But the majority of people that i have met that are in wheelchairs have not been the nicest people in the world. The other day I decided to go to the convenient store in search of some kind of beverage to quench my thirst. Walking up to the store I see a woman in a wheelchair clearly contemplating the best way to open the door so I make it simple and open the door for her. Expecting a thank you, instead she tells me "let go of that door!".Shocked I ask "are you going into the store?". She shoots back " of course why do you think I'm here, get out of the way so I can get in!" So I step to the side intrigued on how shes going to pull this off. For maybe five seconds of her just thinking and doing nothing I get bored, open the door and walk in. Feeling bad that i left her out in the cold I stop, open the door and say " I wont tell anyone i helped you, ill say there is an automatic door button." She frowns and wheels herself in. I treat all people the same even if she wasn't in a wheelchair its a nice thing, to open the door for someone. But ya not the best encounters with cripples.

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