Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wheelchair Pride

I've personally never sat in a wheelchair, it looks fun but I assume its less convenient than a pair of legs beside getting to roll down ramps all the time. But the majority of people that i have met that are in wheelchairs have not been the nicest people in the world. The other day I decided to go to the convenient store in search of some kind of beverage to quench my thirst. Walking up to the store I see a woman in a wheelchair clearly contemplating the best way to open the door so I make it simple and open the door for her. Expecting a thank you, instead she tells me "let go of that door!".Shocked I ask "are you going into the store?". She shoots back " of course why do you think I'm here, get out of the way so I can get in!" So I step to the side intrigued on how shes going to pull this off. For maybe five seconds of her just thinking and doing nothing I get bored, open the door and walk in. Feeling bad that i left her out in the cold I stop, open the door and say " I wont tell anyone i helped you, ill say there is an automatic door button." She frowns and wheels herself in. I treat all people the same even if she wasn't in a wheelchair its a nice thing, to open the door for someone. But ya not the best encounters with cripples.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

On a more personal note...

I am a young lady on the brink of figuring out what to do with my life. Right now I work at a high end clothing store where I always seems to be inadequate to the wonderfully intelligent customers because I can't find their size of 35 when our sizes go from 34 to 36. But none the less enjoy my job. For some reason I attract the most odd, dysfunctional, beautiful, troubled, dangerous, genius, creepy,talented, horrible, proud, creative people. This attraction I call a gift because each and every person I meet has come and gone but has left an unforgettable mark on my heart and made me the person I am today.It's like the overlapping train tracks, human paths crossing.

The First post Ever.

My first post will have to be on a website a dear friend of mine showed me, and that I have been on all day long. It is called Stereo Mood. You basically click what your feeling be it happiness, you just woke up or even you feeling elegant (which was what i was feeling all day). And then the website will put together a play list of fitting songs according to the emotion selected. Awesome if your having a sick day like me, or having a party and forgot to create a play list of your own. Not to mention the music on it is up to date and very pleasing to the ear with a few exceptions.