Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ping Pong

I am Asian so im expected to be good at ping pong. in the words of my father " you dishonor" were litterally yelled 6 times while i played my eleven year old brother in a tournament my grandfather put on. Personally i hate the sport and find it stupid. My grandfather who is Irish actually won the grueling 4 hour tournament, ping pong does not discriminate .

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Grand Talent i guess show

Tonight I went to the Opera house down town for a local concert where local bands have a chance to preform and invite all their friends. Yay! The first act that we saw was a blond white guy wearing a nike track suit in powder blue top and bottom. i half expected him to start rapping because he reminded me so much of Eminem with a hint of J-Roc from trailer park boys, but no he didn't he sang actually, it was  like he was too embarrassed to join the glee club at his school so he decided to do this instead. The band that we actually went for was decent id say one of the best ones there, they have mastered the whole techno part now if only their singer could hit the proper notes properly. Well my friend and i decided that we might get hot so we checked our coats in for $3. The room then proceeded to get extremely cold and of course im wearing a tight t-shirt with a low back. So these two black guys notice that we look cold and offer us their coats. Of course we take them so now we are warm but basically immobile because the jackets were so big. Then i find out the guys whos jacket im wearing is a bit of a whore so i give it back and we decide to go get our jackets back. So my friend gives the coat lady her ticket for her coat and of course i cannot find my ticket and end up picking up a ticket off the ground and tried to pass it off as my own. The lady brings me the wrong jacket predictably, and I basically convinced her that she messed up and pointed out my real jacket. Shortly after we left due to horrible auto tune and scream. (ps im a little drunk so excuse the horrible punctuation and overall storytelling)