Friday, December 17, 2010


Well anyone who really knows me knows that I have an unusual obsession with cats. No I'm not some crazy cat lady! And I'm not obsessed with any kind of feline, only house cats your average sit in you lap bring dead mice home cat. Not king of the jungle ill claw your face off cat. Here is the definition of my obsession: I do not like to be around cats or touch them, but i absolutely love to see them! There is nothing that cheers me up better that to see a cat off in the distance or even a picture of one! In fact my wallpaper on my phone is a cat dressed up like hello kitty, cutest thing I have ever seen! (it's the picture above) I also tend to print off cat pictures and hide them in my room like a little boys hides porn under his mattress. I really try not to make this fact about me too obvious so I hide the evidence, but when i see a real live cat on the streets i can not help but yell CAT! I really can not help it it's like a reflex. No this doesn't make me a cat lady, I don't have any real cats (partly because I'm allergic), just pictures.... not a cat lady.